April 21, 2014

Monster beanie

I have crocheted a little monster beanie for my two-year old nephew. It is supposed to be Sully from the movie Monsters inc. (Monsterbedriften) and I also made two horns to put on top. But I had to drop that idea. The two horns made the hat too... how can I put this.... devilish for a sweet little two-year old boy.

Yarn: Mandarin Petit, needle no 3.

This is how I made the eyes. The blue part on top I folded and stiched it on to the hat.

April 19, 2014

Karl .. who ?

I have the greatest respect and admiration for Mr Karl Lagerfeld for his work as a fashion designer. After looking at Fendis accessories for RTW Fall 2014 -  I could not help myself. I just had to try and make my own version. This is one attempt.

April 9, 2014

Little easter baskets

I found some very sweet little baskets on www.garnstudio.com that is excellent for easter decorations. This website has a lot of great patterns - and they have made them in a lot of different languages

This is the link to the English (uk) pattern for the easter baskets:




Pinterest - Fall 2014 - Inspiration

The ready-to-wear fashion shows for Fall 2014 -Winter 2015 was shown in New York, London, Milan and Paris last month. I have been  looking through a lot of collections on my favorite web-site www.style.com and tried to find hats.... not so many this year I am afraid, ... but I have found a lot of other fabulous outfits that might interest you. If you click on the small red P-icon named My own factory on the (top)right side of my blog,it will take you to my Boards where I have pinned some of  the looks that I like.
You will find that I have made 7 Boards for Fall 2014. I might pin more on them as I find interesting looks, but you can take a look now and get an idea of what the fashion-designers wants us to wear this Autumn. I have made one Board that shows the clothes with fur or fury details(a lot of fur this season), one for the accessories, one for the fantastic boots, one for jumpers and chunky knits and one for the capes and ponchos. I also have made two Boards which is  sorted in colours; one for white and black, and one for grey, pink and purple. Finally there is one Board - not sorted at all.

I always get inspired to make something new after looking at these amazing outfits that is presented  each season. I am already planning a lot of DIY's and have started making some of it - including new hats. I will keep you posted on how I get on. I hope you will find the Boards inspiring too. Enjoy!