May 31, 2013

Slippers and baby shoes

I thought I would show you a selection of slippers I made last year. This year it has been all about the hats  and - owls. Post coming up! .

These are croched. You find the pattern in Tine Solheims book Retromasker (Cappelen Damm).
I actually had to make two pair of these. My little niece loved them.

These are also croched. Based on the same pattern as the pink one  but with a twist.
For baby boy - also chroceted

Basket shoe for baby - the pattern for these you can find anywhere on web.

May 27, 2013

More Downton Abbey

Another of my Chanel-inspired hats - with a Downton Abbey flare. The vail is just attached with a little hairclasp. The grey top can be replaced by a top with another colour. I am currently thinking of making one in white.

By removing the clasp - you can pull the vail down.


With feathers

Inspired by Louis Vuitton AW 2012-2013 I made this of an old hat I didn't like much (not boater).
She looks fab doesn't she?


Knitted boater

I just had to try to knit one too. Not my best work I'm afraid. I am no good at knitting patterns.  But you just have to try and try again  don't you?

The star-pattern is from Tine Solheims book Retromasker - en historie i strikking og hekling (Cappelen Damm)

Red and blue boaters

Boaters I can use on our national day the 17. mai, or whenever I like.

I used my red hat on our national day this year. I decorated it with a broach.

This vintage-looking broach I bought at Primark last year.

More boaters....

And here comes more crocheted boaters. I have tried different yarns on these ones.

Yarn Hubro, needle No. 8

Yarn Daletta x 3 times. In other words I croched with 3 threads .

Yarn: Drops Eskimo


Pill-box hats

The pill-box hats is made by padding-fabric and iron wire or string. Sew on the fabric (make patterns when you make the hat with padding-fabric)and decorate with vail or whatever you feel like.

This is made of an old scarf


An old sequin west whom was just warderobe-fillings

My old sequin top has been really useful

For the boys

These two boaters is also made out of a straw boater. I have used  faux leather, and sewed it on.  It is originally made for 2 men. The hats have two different styles; one elegant and chic, the other one is more of a rock star hat with a scarf tied around.


The guys look very stylish in them!
Rock star hat


The sequins is from an old top. I just love redesigning.

A touch of Downton Abbey

These hats is partly inspired by the wonderful hats in Downton Abbey.

This is a straw hat - classic shape. After crocheing I have added som fabrics around, and oh.. there is my sequin vest again.

One of my favorites. Inspired by Chanel.
 Me - ready for work.

I wonder..

This hat is inspired by Louis Vuttoin vs my recent post named With feathers.

I made this hat from a Straw trilby. Padded it and sewing on fabric.

This is a fascinator which I have attached to the black ribbon. Easy-peasy

Finally the winter is over

but I thought I would show you some of my winter hats. I will start with my version of the russian fur (faux) hat - what we in Norway call a kosakk. I belive the english word is cossack. Later on I will post other models.

The hat is made of padding (vatt) and string. Very easy to make, I promise. The hats are about 22 cm high and 23 cm wide.

I decorated it with a piece of  jewellery I bought at Bik Bok. It was originally a neclace but I removed the neck-chain. I simply love it..
 These hats are very comfortable to use. They are very light to wear on the head, and you can adjust it however you like or feel comfortable in..
I loved this one to - until a friend of mine pointed out that it reminded him of the Kings guardians (Norwegian; gardist). I think I have to down-size it a bit. And maybe, just maybe, I will find some jewellery to put on this one too.


I just can't get enough broaches. Here is how I made one from part of a neclace.

This is part of an old necklace


I bought these practical broache-needles at the craft-shop.

I used a sewing tread and needle too fasten the needle to the broach.

Unfortunatly it doesn't seem very strong - I have a feeling it won't hold for long. I will recommend using stronger tread, string etc.

May 26, 2013

One of my on-going projects

I am always working on many projects at the same time. And of course - at least one of then is a hat. This one is inspired by Chanel AW 2013-2014. Or should I  say two hats? One boater - and one in faux fur.

I am using two kinds of yarn; Dale Vipe and JÃ¥rbo Garn. Croch needle number 7. Maybe I should warn you by telling you that this one isn't easy to croche.

Well, after a lot of ... bother I finally ended up with this. Not finished yet, but getting there, ... soon, very soon.
I will show you the result when I am finished with both the hats.

May 25, 2013

The first hat....

Here is the first hat I made 2-3 years ago. It is originaly a strawboater wich I have croched around. And for those who is wondering: Yeah ... it is inspired by Chanel.

I used Drops yarn Eskimo and chrocet needle number 7

I have also padded it to make it bigger



Welcome to my blog and my first post. Hopefully I soon will have a lot of pictures of my own homemade-stuff. I like to crochet, knit and I  make everything from accessories to  cushions.
This is a pair of slippers I made for a much younger person.