October 22, 2013

Chrocheted beanie hats

This season is a feast for all those who love the beanie hats. You can wear them outdoors or indoors, for causual wear or when you're dressing up.  The beauty with beanies is also that they are easy to make, either you knit or chrochet them. They can be plain and simple or you can decorate them with whatever you like. I have made simple ones, just making the odd one with stripes.I like to  have different colours to chose from, and I like to use different yarn like thick and chunky, baby wool, mohair yarn, and so on. Just now I am making a selection in pink.

If you don't have a pattern for making one, just Google... there is a lot of patterns out there.

I just found a great tutorial on Youtube for making a slouchy beanie. I must try this.

Baby wool, double thread, the thin stripes are stiched on

Thick and chunky

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