June 30, 2014

New hats Spring Summer 2014

These hats are inspired by Juanjo Olivas hats shown in the Spring Summer 2014 Collection - and are also inspired by the type of hats called Peach Basket. The hats are easy to make - just look at the photos. I make an innerhat - then I crochet a cover for it. I have crocheted the cover for these ones but you can always knit - or make them in fabric, fur or whatever you wish.

The cover is crocheted. (dc/usa:sc) I used chunky yarn, to match crochet hook No. 7.
Inside the hat - the cover is stiched to the innerhat. I used thinner yarn (crochet hook No 3)

On this cover I used double tread/yarn.


Love this colour for summer. You can decorate the hats as you wish - or not !!
The pattern on this one is easy:  2 ch, 1dc (usa: sc)

The top of the hat: I only crocheted htr on the top.

Innerhat is made like this - I stich them by hand - and put a string at the bottom so you can bend
it anyway you like.

Inside the innerhat

Sara, Dina-Mari and Anette

Me - october 2014


June 23, 2014

Wonderful hatmodels - Bøe og Sande grendahus

Today we have had the hatpresentation as I have mentioned earlier.
The local hatmodels made it into a wonderful presentation. I am so happy.

Thanks to all the models - thank you all for a wonderful time!
Posts on the new hats is coming on later.

From left; Karin, Anne-Kristin, Ann-Kristin, Dina-Mari, Brit, Anette, Sara, Karina, Sonja and me.

June 21, 2014

Getting ready for hatpresentation

I am sorry I have not posted anything these last weeks, but I have been working very hard trying to get ready for the presentation on Monday the 23. June. I have some great hatmodels and we are having our first (and only!!) rehearsel tomorrow evening. I will show 40 hats and other headpieces/fascinators.

If you are closeby Bøe og Sande grendahus in Herøy kommune, on Monday,  you are very welcome. The gathering (basar) starts at 16.30 and as far as I know the hatpresentation will take place about 17.30-18.00.
They sell burgers and other food from the grill, sour-cream porridge and a lot of wonderful cakes. So you don't have to leave starving.

And as promised I will blog photos after.

One of my New hats

June 1, 2014

Hatpresentation in June

I wanted to share with you that I am currently preparing for a hat presentation on the 23. June. It will take place in Bøe and Sande Grendahus, Herøy kommune  along with the yearly summergathering on Midsummer's eve arranged by Sanitetsforeninga (med gode hjelparar). In other words - there will be food (sour cream porridge - rømmegrøt)- and a lot of fabulous cakes...

Hurray - I am so exited! A lot of hard work lies ahead - and not only for me..........

I hope you understand that I don't want to blog the new hats  I will present on beforehand of this occation. But I promise; I will blog them all afterwards. So please be patient...
And if you are nearby Herøy kommune - you are very welcome.

From hatshow last winter