June 30, 2014

New hats Spring Summer 2014

These hats are inspired by Juanjo Olivas hats shown in the Spring Summer 2014 Collection - and are also inspired by the type of hats called Peach Basket. The hats are easy to make - just look at the photos. I make an innerhat - then I crochet a cover for it. I have crocheted the cover for these ones but you can always knit - or make them in fabric, fur or whatever you wish.

The cover is crocheted. (dc/usa:sc) I used chunky yarn, to match crochet hook No. 7.
Inside the hat - the cover is stiched to the innerhat. I used thinner yarn (crochet hook No 3)

On this cover I used double tread/yarn.


Love this colour for summer. You can decorate the hats as you wish - or not !!
The pattern on this one is easy:  2 ch, 1dc (usa: sc)

The top of the hat: I only crocheted htr on the top.

Innerhat is made like this - I stich them by hand - and put a string at the bottom so you can bend
it anyway you like.

Inside the innerhat

Sara, Dina-Mari and Anette

Me - october 2014


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