Change the hat completly by
Attaching padding around the crown to make it bigger and to give it another shape.
Crochet a cover
I crocheted a cover for the hat using Cotton yarn in pale blue. Or knit one - if you are good at knitting!
Change the look by
using different scarfes - or belt? or ? whatever you find in your warderobe.
Feather hat
I crocheted the crown of the hat. The reason why I like crocheting is because for me, it is easier than stiching fabric on it - or knitting. I put a ring of feathers around.
I covered the brim with pink fabric.
I had to pin the fabric on first. Afterwards I stiched it.
Feather ring
At first I glued the feathers in between 2silky ribbons . I was afraid that this would not be enough to hold the feathers in Place - so I hand stiched the feathers to the ring.
I put fabric around the Crown to cover the ribbons on the feather ring.
The result
TIP: These Straw hats I got really cheap in wintertime at a store who sells plants and gardening-stuff (Plantasjen) . I paid about 1 GB pound (10 kr) each for these. I so regret I didn't buy more than 3!